We all have our down moments and moments that make us feel weak and emotionally drained.
Insecurity may be a cause for them, especially as a teen. Being defined as the uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence, it isn’t different from its brother and sister, Depression and Panic attacks.
Many of the times, Insecurity is triggered and may cause disruptions in our romantic relationships, and even an increase in anxiety while a decrease in self-esteem. Not sure whether you are insecure about yourself or not? Well, here are seven signs you are insecure about yourself by psyh2chgo. Please note, the sources used in this article isn’t mine. I am responsible for only the writing and formation. Credit to Owner.
Have u ever tried to grasp perfectionism because of your insecurities? Have u ever tried to change yourself to look and be perfect? When we are insecure, we work hard to hide or at least try to fix it. We start to grasp onto being perfect, be it, the perfect girl the boys will like or the perfect girl with the perfect body and grades. While it may look and feel nice to get the validation for all the success you have achieved, it wouldn’t last long.
Striving for perfection leads to you being exhausted and mentally drained which may take a toll on your mental health and the way you think. You would desire perfection so much that a failure and low self-esteem would turn to fears. While being insecure is something we all go through and is normal, it shouldn’t be overloaded or dealt with alone. Talking to a counsellor or even your parents or teachers may help u deal with insecurity.
Have u ever wanted to be that girl that always seems to win every category in your school? Have u ever wanted to win as many trophies as that girl? While you may admire “that girl”, it is keen to know that being competitive is a sign of insecurity. Overly competitive people strive to live for fame, success, and external validation from others. While they may seem like role models to you, deep down inside within them lies their weaknesses.
Insecure people are overly linked to people pleasers. People pleasers always seek approval from people or external validation due to their insecurities. Since they have insecurities, those essentials such as loving yourself become way too difficult. they seek to love other people to compensate for the love. People pleasers do things for the applause of the audience and tend to do things even when they don’t want to but they do just for the crowd.
Insecure people are overly linked to people pleasers. People pleasers always seek approval from people or external validation due to their insecurities. Since they have insecurities, those essentials such as loving yourself become way too difficult. they seek to love other people to compensate for the love. People pleasers do things for the applause of the audience and tend to do things even when they don’t want to but they do just for the crowd.
You’re a little detached from others. People who detach themselves from others tend to have trust issues and find it hard to trust people they don’t know or meet for the first time. Though it isn’t proven, insecure people often struggle with trust issues. To them, opening up about a matter that makes them uncomfortable, is hard and is a mountain they have to climb.
Often as teens, we have a lot of problems especially since we are still growing physically and mentally. There may be times when we begin to lash out about small, matters and then start to distance ourselves because we feel we are in the wrong. It all leads to our attachment styles and how we often communicate with others. It is best to talk to a counsellor and find out your attachment styles.
You have a loud inner critic. It isn’t a surprise that people who struggle with insecurity have a loud inner critic. Insecurity often brings distress which links to the formation of inner critics. A loud inner critic often is an expert at lowering your self-esteem and noting out your imperfections. It often gets louder as you’re closer to your goals and makes it an obligation to try and stop you from reaching them. While as a teen, a loud inner critic may cause more chances of developing Depression. It tells you about how you shouldn’t do this or mustn’t do this. The best way to combat this inner critic is to challenge and interrupt them. Ask yourself why is it here? How can I overcome it? Or you talk to a counsellor about them. This will separate your self-worth from the negative thoughts and allow you to feel self-compassion.
Insecure people take criticism way more seriously than others. They often criticize themselves so when others make nasty comments about them, they react with anger and rage. How do you take criticism? do u take everything that people say to heart?
When you’re too self-aware, you tend to second guess yourself and become too self-conscious. Self-consciousness is a sign of insecurity that causes You to think that you know yourself better and makes you tend to monitor your thoughts and self. People who are too self-aware tend to focus on the negative and action. They tend to follow social norms and avoid risky situations, anything to avoid embarrassment or humiliation. We are all faced with insecurity but it’s not about the insecurity, but how we handle it and react when we are faced with them. Let us know how you handle insecurity.
Does it affect you so much that it disrupts your life?