Transitioned to various universities across the globe to purse various degree programmes.
St. Austin's Academy offers quality education that is focused on delivering 100%.
Overall student scored A plain in 2022
Discover how to anticipate and adapt to the latest trends and digital
“St. Austin's played a huge role in the person I am today. I loved the balance I got from school work and the extra curricula activities offered in clubs and sports. I was able to develop a variety of skills from early on and classes were always fun and interactive.”
“Saint Austin's helped me develop my career from a young age. I went for a work placement in year 10 at a media house and i fell in love with media. While I was there becoming a prefect gave me leadership qualities that I still have to date.”
“Saint Austin's helped me develop my career and social skills. Coming from Nigeria, I was exposed to various international students with different cultures and the studio/ music room served as a medium to enhance my creativity and passion for music production”
Our outstanding international teaching faculty provides a stimulating delivery of our curriculum as well as a caring and friendly atmosphere to support the learning process.
The teachers give the students the space to develop individually. There is no uniform teaching
The teachers give the students the space to develop individually. There is no uniform teaching
The teachers give the students the space to develop individually. There is no uniform teaching
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